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Canon EOS 3 Testing and Fujicolor C200

The EOS 3 is one of Canon's flagship 35mm film cameras, and the baby brother to their EOS 1V. Lucky for us, we managed to get our hands on a 'near new' condition EOS 3 along with a battery grip from our good friends over at London Camera Exchange a couple of weeks ago. 

Naturally what do you do when you get a new film camera? You go out and shoot with some friends on some budget film! With having a commercial film photography shoot scheduled less than a week away from getting the camera we wanted to test it was properly working, and fast. I (Spencer) grabbed some of my best friends and took a trip out to Hamble to shoot some portraits. I decided to shoot on a roll of Ilford XP2 Super 200 Black and White film first as I knew we were able to develop the black and white film ourselves and could get a quick look at whether the camera was working, or not. 

Below are some of my favourite black and white images from that day. They turned out perfectly, and as you can see, the camera works flawlessly. Enjoy!  

These black and white images were self-developed in our make shift lab using the 'stand development' technique. Without going into too much detail, this technique involves leaving the film to sit for an hour with minimal agitation and just the right amount of developer so that it does not over develop. The negatives were then dried and scanned using an Epson V600. Hardly any correcting was needed on the images as their contrast and tone came out perfectly, and their sharpness was tack sharp.  

After shooting a roll of B&W I moved on to colour; my favourite aspect of shooting on film. My roll of choice this time around was Fujicolor C200 which I had picked up a while back and never shot on. I wanted to experiment with this film and see how well it would handle portraits in bright sunlight, and how sharp it would be using my modern lenses. I had high hopes for the colour on this film as I was highly impressed with the colour I got from a roll of Fuji Superia 200 I had shot on my holiday to Florida this year. Some example shots of that film below:

I absolutely love the colour pallet of the Superia images taken in Florida, and so had high hopes that I would be able to achieve a similar result on the slightly cheaper, Fujicolor C200. As per my usual shooting style when using colour negative film, I set my camera’s ISO to 100 allowing the film to be overexposed 1 stop and got the lab to develop them normally, resulting in bright images with superb colours. All Fujicolor images were developed by the awesome people over at Exposure Film Lab UK. I am super pleased with how these turned out, take a look for yourself below at a selection of some my favourite shots and let us know what you think.

Post was written by Spencer J. Sinclair