follow your dreams
Signature short films that weave intrigue and engage with the audience. Story telling is the art of engaging with the audience to generate emotions, which sometimes makes us laugh, sometimes makes us cry, sometimes makes us think, but should always entertain us.
New short film from Spencer J. Sinclair
(Filmed during COVID-19 lockdown)

COVID-19 created a new world in 2020, with each day under lockdown blending into another, fears heightened by increasing deaths, social distancing driving families apart, and uncertainty about the future exasperate a society already suffering from anxiety and depression caused by the pandemic.
Cast & Crew
Kiera Benfield
Cinematographer - Spencer J. Sinclair
Director - Spencer J. Sinclair
Music - Hidden Behind a Smile by Michele Nobler
short film by FreshCrewStudios
The Bench

A love story that takes a bench, and a magical gift, to bring peace and happiness to trapped souls. Spencer J. Sinclair created this short film as treatment with a potential for a full feature in mind.
- Charlotte Falconer
- Sam Smith
- Tom Alderson
Spoof film by freshcrewstudios
Dude where's my christmas?

This fun spoof sees Slappy visiting Spencer J. Sinclair, who wrote, directed and acted in this short film, magically arriving late one evening with the intent of staying for Christmas.
- Spencer J. Sinclair - Himself
- Stephen B. Sinclair - Voice of Slappy
parody film by freshcrewstudios
Guardians of the cosplay

Filmed entirely at MCM London Comic Con in May 2015, Guardians of the Cosplay is FreshCrewStudios largest parody film to date featuring more than 30 cosplayers. Guardians of the Cosplay is a homage to Guardians of the Galaxy with the character of Star-Lord played by Chris Pratt being replaced with Cos-Lord, cosplayed by Danny Sharples - the best Cosplayer in the Universe!
- Danny Sharples - Star Lord
- Adam Cinelioglu - Lead Photographer
- Charlotte Bloomfield - Black Widow
Lilia Lemoine aka Lady Lemon Cosplay
Robocop Cosplay

This impromptu short film won a prize. It was filmed on location at London ExCeL during Lilia Lemoine's first visit to the United Kingdom for MCM London Comic Con.
- Lady Lemon Cosplay - Female RoboCop - Lewis
- Kyle Mcvean - Victim
- Alicia S - @TheQuinnOfDiamonds (Insta) - Harley Quinn with Baseball Bat
- Gotham E. Nigma Cosplay - The Riddler